Essential Documents
Establishment of Online Grievance Rederssal Mechanism
Establishment of Anti Ragging Committee
Internal Quality Assurance Cell
Implementation of Teacher Training Policy
Compliance of the Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) as per MoE directives, (Applicable for Standalone Institutions, PGDM/PGCM and Universities).
Digital Payment for all Financial Transactions as per MHRD Directives
Display of information submitted to AICTE (including the accreditation status and Board of Governors) along with mandatory disclosures in the Web site of the Institution
Potable Water Supply
Backup Electric Supply
All Weather Approach (Motorized Road)
Vehicle Parking
General Notice Board and Departmental Notice Boards
The AICTE approved institutions shall evolve a mechanism for earning credits through ‘Skilling’ based courses offered by Skill India, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship OR any other leading skilling platforms in order to improve their skill sets and employability
Establishment of Grievance Redressal Committee in the Institution and/or Appointment of OMBUDSMAN by the University
Whether the Institution has Implemented Safety and Security measures in the Campus?
Establishment of platform or hiring counsellors for seeking help and guidance w.r.t psychological counselling related to Mental Health for Students, faculty and non-teaching faculty.